Affiliate Tips: How to Optimise Your Brand


It’s well known that search engine optimisation is important for any digital business to find success. But as you put effort into climbing your way up the search rankings, you will want to take steps so that you’re also still building up your company’s brand.

What good is ranking high in searches if your company brand fails to connect with your site visitors? While SEO remains a top concern, having a clear and compelling brand identity is also acutely important.

Affiliate Tip #1: Provide Valuable Content

Whether you’re seeking to build your brand or improve your SEO, having superior content should be a top priority. Great content can go a long way in defining your company’s brand. If you can produce even one blog post or article that connects with readers in a big way you can leverage that to create similar content and quickly develop a reputation as a website that provides great insights on that topic. By becoming an authority in your field, you can develop brand loyalty, which will allow you to grow your business.

Affiliate Tip #2: Have an Attractive Website

In the midst of creating great content and managing your SEO, you don’t want to forget about the human element and creating a site that is pleasing to the eye. Consider what colours you’re using. Shades of red are “hot” and demand attention. Blues and greens are calming and can appear more professional. If you’re including photos, be sure to use striking, high-quality images.

Affiliate Tip #3: Keep It Mobile-Friendly

When designing your website it needs to look just as good, if not even better, when reached via a mobile device. Consider the Millennial Generation: over 60 per cent of them use mobile searches to compare brands. You’ll want your site to stand out among other mobile search options.

While taking all these steps will go a long way in optimising your brand, remember that it is a delicate balance between optimising your brand and focusing on SEO. Don’t let your web design become so conceptual that you ignore key words. Take care to build a website that appeals to SEO algorithms and site visitors and you’ll have a formula for success.

To get more insights on how to fully optimise your website for greater ROI, check out the rest of our blog or speak to a T DOT UK Account Manager today!



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