Conquer Search Rankings with these SEO Tips


Few historical figures are better known than William the Conqueror, the resolute Duke of Normandy who became the King of England after defeating King Harold in the Battle of Hastings. The accomplishments of William the Conqueror remain studied in primary school to this day, and the events of the Battle of Hastings have even managed to stay relevant in our digital age with “Bayeux Tapestry memes.”

Conquering is defined as “gaining mastery over something while overcoming obstacles,” and in the hyper-competitive world of SEO rankings, getting your content prominently featured in searches can feel like a struggle of historic proportions. Changing algorithms and black hat operators make it even harder to break through in an already crowded field. Fortunately, we have some helpful tips that can provide you with a royal advantage.

1. Align Your Search Topics into Content Silos

When assembling your website, it is commonly known to include your search keywords into the content you create. Adeptly including SEO keywords into your web copy and blog content is necessary for improving your SEO rankings. But it is also incredibly useful to also align your keyword topics into relevant content silos.

Content silos are how your website is organized: think of them like sections in a bookshop. Just like you’ll know to find a book on the Battle of Hastings in the “History” stacks, so too you’ll know you can information on email subject lines in the “Email Marketing” section of a website.

These silos are important, not just because they help people better navigate your website, but they also act as a directory for search engines. When your content is compartmentalized into silos, it becomes that much easier for search engine algorithms to find it. Silos let search engines know that your entire website is relevant to the topic that searchers are investigating. In short, content silos are good for human visitors and search engines alike.

2. Optimize Your Titles, URL, and Descriptions

This is a simple tip, but one that cannot be overlooked. To improve your search rankings it is imperative that you have the best possible website title, URL, and SEO description. If your website URL isn’t almost exactly your brand identity you could be in trouble. Avoid difficult-to-decipher abbreviations or nicknames: your URL domain should be your firm name displayed clearly.

The same goes for website titles and SEO descriptions. Titles should be short and to the point. SEO descriptions should offer one or two sentences that unambiguously inform. All these factors are critical signposts for SEO algorithms.

3. Produce Excellent Content

Another inescapable tip when it comes to improving your SEO rankings is to have truly outstanding content. Search engines are highly advanced, meaning that old practices like keyword stuffing will fail to garner better rankings. Publishing content that intrigues readers and prompts discussion will draw searches to you like moths to a flame. Additionally, better content on your site means that those who visit will be that much more likely to visit again and again.

4. Reform Past Content

As mentioned above, superb content is essential to increasing your SEO rankings. Creating such high-level content from scratch can be exhaustive, which is why it can also be helpful to revisit old content and give it a refresh. It is likely that your site has plenty of blog posts from months or years ago that still contain valuable information. These posts need only some updating of data points, a test of links, and some new brilliant bits of prose to get reintroduced to the world. By reforming past content, you’ll be able to create snappy new posts with half the effort.

5. Consider Implementing Video

Video has become a powerful force on the internet—many major digital outlets have aggressively pursued video content. While wholesale transition to video still has uncertain effects, there’s no doubt that the occasional piece of video content can go a long way in improving your visitor experience, and your SEO rankings.

While these tips may not be the mighty Norman Army that William the Conqueror led to combat over a millennia ago, they may just give you a vital edge in the SEO rankings battle. In today’s crowded marketplace, search rankings are absolutely worth conquering.

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