What is an Affiliate Network?


If you aren’t sure about how affiliate marketing works, we’ll help you understand the process from start to finish.

In short, an affiliate network is comprised of suppliers/affiliates and service providers/lenders. The affiliates generate quality traffic that is then matched with lenders. The affiliate network acts as an intermediary.

TdotUK, for instance, is a short-term loan affiliate network. We work with a network of affiliates who generate leads that are shared with us. The lenders in our network will filter sell their products or services.

We’re a team of dedicated community of programmers, internet marketers, and affiliate managers. We offer our affiliates and lenders numerous benefits, including comprehensive reports and competitive compensation payouts for affiliates, as well as non-incentivised leads, and no double-sold leads for lenders.

The Process

So, how does an affiliate network work? The process starts with an affiliate registering with us here. In essence, affiliates reach out to us with the intentions of becoming an affiliate in our network. The affiliates that we work with are carefully screened before being admitted. Their website must contain certain standards of traffic, design, and compliance.

The consumers are people who are in need of a loan. TdotUK matches consumers with the appropriate lenders. We work with qualified lenders, who are subject to a detailed, in-depth vetting process before they are granted access to our system. We are diligent in our compliance practices and we maintain a high standard of industry compliance. It’s important to mention that we want to make sure we create a positive experience for consumers.

What does this mean for affiliates?

TdotUK offers affiliates a proprietary lead tracking software that ensures industry-leading payouts on their website traffic. This means our affiliates can take advantage of comprehensive analytics, experienced account managers, and competitive compensation payouts.

What does this mean for lenders?

We understand the challenges our lenders face. We offer them the tools they need, including customisable filters and comprehensive reporting. There are no sign-up fees or long-term exclusive contracts.


It’s imperative that you work with an affiliate network that understands the ups and downs of this industry. We’re a team that has over a decade of experience. We surround our affiliates and networks with that knowledge so they can succeed.

So, back to the original question. What is an Affiliate Network? In the case of TdotUK, it’s a global network of affiliates and lenders, with one goal in mind.

If you are interested in registering with us an affiliate, you can sign up with us here.



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