How to Build Trust with Consumers


In this day and age, anyone who has internet can access the answers to seemingly all the questions in the world. The internet is like a free market. Everyone has a voice on the web. For this reason, the rise of the internet gave way to an age of extreme skepticism.

With so many contradicting answers and too-good-to-be-true products saturating the web, consumers have understandably become more skeptical about the services and products that they buy. A 2015 study shows that 7 out of 10 consumers seek out opinions before making their purchases because the marketing efforts alone are often not sufficient.

How can you establish trust with your consumers in an increasingly competitive and skeptical market? Read on.

Demonstrate Authenticity with a Contact Page

Websites that flaunt their contact methods and make themselves readily available for customers earn major points when it comes to establishing trust. It only makes sense that a confident and legitimate website would gladly offer help and support. A visible contact page with flexible contact methods tells customers that you know what you’re doing, and you’re not afraid to answer any questions they might have.

Take note of the websites that hide their contact section or don’t show them at all. Those websites don’t offer the reassurance and quality customer support as those that do. And, if you put yourself in the shoes of the consumer, you’ll probably be less likely to make a purchase if there aren’t any clear contact methods. Studies show that 83% of customers need at least some level of customer support in order to complete an online purchase. So, you can encourage leads to make their purchases by making your contact page easily accessible.

Demonstrate Authenticity with a Compliance Page

Adding a compliance page reassures your customers that you follow industry standards and respect the security of others. Nothing says, “I have nothing to hide,” than a full fledge compliance page on your website navigation. This is the epitome of transparent marketing.

Contrary to what you might think, making the compliance page visible will not take away from the tone of your website. If anything, it will legitimize your business and help you establish trust with your consumers.

Demonstrate Authenticity with a Blog

In an article titled, “The Influence of Blogs on Purchase Decisions,” the Corporate Eye recorded that nearly nine in ten customers make their purchases after reading about the product or service on a blog. Within individuals ages 18-34, blogs are ranked as the most important sources behind purchasing decisions. Within individuals 35-54 years old, blogs are ranked as the second most important sources. This data tells us that it’s absolutely critical to post regularly on your blog. It’s the most straightforward source of information they can get about the direction of your brand, what you stand for, and what makes your products/services worthwhile.

Demonstrate Authenticity with Testimonials

Testimonials, whether in the form of reviews, partnerships, or press coverage, are great for establishing credibility. When you include other trustworthy peoples’ recommendations of your website on your home page, it lessens the customers’ need to seek recommendations elsewhere. This is the best alternative to pushing customers to ask their friends and families for reviews on you or your industry. By choosing which testimonials to display, you’re controlling the menu of options. And, like they say, whoever controls the menu controls the outcome.




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