Affiliate Tips: How to Repurpose Your Content

Many of our Affiliates publish blog articles to add SEO value to their websites. Sometimes these articles can be quite the tedious task to maintain! The average short-form article is about 500-600 words long, whereas long-form articles can go up to 2,500 words. That’s a lot of content to just use once and leave buried in your archives!
There’s a way to repurpose all of your articles, whether they are long or short-form. Repurposed content really comes in handy when you’re bound by a limited amount of topics to write about, which, as many of our Affiliates might know, is a very common problem for bloggers in this industry. The trick is not to write more content, but to promote the ones you already have in different ways. In this article, we’ll show you exactly how to repurpose your content to drive in more traffic.
Affiliate Content Repurposing Tip #1: Turn Your Stats into Infographics
Some of the most enriching and engaging articles are the ones that incorporate persuasive statistics, so feel free to repurpose these statistics in the form of infographics. Infographics help the user visualise the information in a creative and interesting way. Even the simplest graphics can make statistical data look more inviting. Moreover, infographics encourage others to publish it on their own platforms, earning you authoritative backlinks.
Affiliate Content Repurposing Tip #2: Create Videos with Your Content
Since you already have plenty of valuable written content, why not transform them into video scripts? Videos engage the user’s audio and visual senses, making your content seem even more interesting than it was when it was still an article. Modern videos do especially well on social platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and even Snapchat. Optimise your videos according to which platform you choose. For example, if you use your article to create Facebook videos, make sure to include interesting thumbnails, titles, and clear subtitles. If you want to create a Snapchat video series, it’d be best to simplify your points as much as possible, and break them up into separate stories. For Instagram, you can use the live feature to give quick lessons every day. If not, you can always post clips of your Facebook videos onto your Instagram feed. There are a variety of interesting ways to go about this. Have fun with it!
Affiliate Content Repurposing Tip #3: Pen a Tweeting Series Using Data from Old Articles
Twitter is still widely used around the world, despite the rumours of it dying a little while back. Take advantage of this incredible platform and create an interesting tweeting series based on your data. Try to make every tweet have weight, since you’re limited to only 140 characters. Here’s the trick: always include a link to your website at the signature of every tweet. This is a good rule of thumb because it allows your audience to further engage with your content. If the tweet has an incredibly helpful tip but provides no other follow-up, the audience won’t be as sales-ready as they would be if you included a call-to-action (or even simply dropping a link).
Affiliate Content Repurposing Tip #4: Create a Downloadable Guide
Guides and eBooks are perfect for drawing in new followers and subscribers. You can create what’s known as “gated content,” or content that requires some work in order to access. Compile a few related articles that you’ve written and simplify it into irresistible guides for your audience. Then, market it on your various platforms as best you can with one main call-to-action. That CTA (or call-to-action) could be:
- Subscribe to my blog
- Like my page
- Tag a friend
- Follow my platforms
If your gated content seems 10 times more worthwhile than the required cost, then you will have plenty of people signing up to receive a copy. You can potentially receive hundreds of new subscribers just by repurposing your content!
Affiliate Content Repurposing Tip #5: Optimise Your Landing Pages with the Same Copy
If you have plenty of content on your blog, guess what? You can repurpose some of them to make brand new landing pages for your website! You don’t necessarily have to copy it word-for-word, but simply having existing content as reference already gives you a great place to start! Rather than making everything from scratch again, you can now draw inspiration from your own blog and rephrase sentences to create new copy!
We hope that these content repurposing ideas will encourage you to keep writing and creating content! If you want to sign up to become a T DOT UK Affiliate today, sign up here!