Affiliate Tips: How to Effectively Promote Your Blog Article


Have you ever spent several hours creating an article that you thought would quickly catch on and go viral, but it barely receives any recognition at all? You’re not alone. We’ve all been there before. In fact, when Moz and BuzzSumo teamed up to evaluate over one million randomised articles online, these were their findings:

  • More than 50% had two or less Facebook engagements
  • More than 75% had zero shares
  • These were their conclusions:
  • The content quality is poor

The publishers didn’t do a great job promoting the piece to the right audience

These conclusions tell us the root of why the content didn’t take off, but the study leaves it up to us to figure out how to promote the piece the right way. In this article, we’ll tackle that problem together and find possible solutions to get your article off the ground and running!

Pitch to Influencers

You would be surprised by the amount of people who might be willing to promote your piece if you only pitched to them. The only sure way to not have anyone give you a shout out or a mention is by not showing them your article at all. With each pitch email that you send out, you’re increasing your luck. So, pitch to the outlets that are the most relevant to your niche or target audience. The second half to creating great content is to make sure that you’re marketing it to the right audience. You can usually sense whether a website attracts the same group of people that you want to attract by reading their comments, keywords, and checking out their backlinks. If they fit the bill, send a concise and straightforward pitch explaining who you are, what your article is about, and why it will add value to their platform.

Contact the Websites You Mentioned

If you mentioned any websites in your article, that’s a great opportunity to reach out to them and create strategic partnerships. Perhaps you might even get a shout out and a backlink from them if you’re lucky! If you haven’t linked to any websites within your article, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to do it tactfully. Keep in mind that we’re not suggesting you fill up your article with links just for the sake of having more potential connections. If anything, the more links you have within your article, the more distracting it might be to readers. Your links should also be completely relevant to what you’re saying. It’s best to avoid linking an article that only vaguely relates to the context of your article. Too many of these vague links and you might just lose a reader! So, plan carefully and create high quality content with relevant in-text links.

Engage on Different Platforms

Another strategic way to promote your article is by using your online influence. If you haven’t established yourself as a thought leader on other digital outlets, such as social media, Quora, or Medium, we suggest that you do! Not only are these mediums valuable platforms to engage with your target audience, they also give you the opportunity to make a name for yourself, so to speak. Post your articles on these various platforms to familiarise your audience with your topic, so when it becomes time to onboard them, you will already have their confidence.

Put Your Email List to Good Use

Finally, don’t forget about your email list! Many times, people just allow their email lists to rot away – not realising the potentials that it has towards improving click-throughs and conversions. If you don’t have that many emails to go off of, don’t worry. It’s never too late to start building your email list, and there are countless ways in which you can go about that. Here are a few of the most common ways to grow your email list:

  • Create gated content (or content that requires an email sign up)
  • Host a giveaway or contest
  • Encourage people to sign up via pop-up
  • Prioritise the email subscription box on your website
  • Remind people to sign up through your other platforms

These are just a few of our top tips for promoting your blog article. With T DOT UK on your side, you will always receive the digital marketing support you need to drive more leads. To work with T DOT UK or speak with an industry expert today, sign up on our easy online form!



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