Affiliate Tips: How to Double Your Traffic in 4 Easy Steps


If you’re discontent with the current amount of web traffic that flows to your page, you’ve come to the right place. Organic search traffic is not easy to get, especially in over-saturated niches like the financial loans niche. With hundreds of thousands of websites competing for the same keywords and target audience, it’s no wonder why Affiliates are turning to social referrals, direct searches and other forms of marketing strategies. Yet, we’re here to tell you that organic traffic is not dead. You still have a great chance at earning new, organic visitors through your SEO.

If Google pulls in an average of 10.3 billion searches per month, then there’s definitely enough web traffic out there to unearth your website. It’s time to ramp up your SEO skills and win over more web leads. Here are the four steps to doubling your traffic:

Step 1: Be Location-Specific

If you’re trying to rank highly on search engines but all of the high-demand keywords are overly saturated, worry not. Competition might be tough, but there’s a way around it. The secret is to be location-specific with your keywords. If a certain key phrase that you were aiming for has an average amount of 100,000 searches per month, with medium-to-high competitiveness, then adding a location to your key phrase, domain name, or paid search ad will definitely help with your local rankings. Just by adding the words, “London,” “UK,” or “Wales” to an article title or domain name can cause Google to prioritise your website to local searchers. It takes a measure of intentionality to be location-specific, but the results will be worthwhile!

Step 2: Write Long-Form, Keyword-rich Articles

In other words, try to write as much evergreen content as possible. We’ve written about evergreen content before, but to reiterate, it basically encompasses all of the most useful information that you can possibly include about your niche. If you’re in the financial loans industry, then perhaps your evergreen content can be titled, “Why People Use Personal Loans.” The topics for evergreen content are usually very broad because it gives the writer more freedom to explore all the fine details within those broad topics. The reason why evergreen content is called “evergreen” is because it keeps pulling in traffic for your website even months after it has been published. A great way to boost your evergreen content even more is to let it circulate on multiple platforms, such as directories, guest blogs, and social media.

Step 3: Pitch for Links

Backlink building is perhaps the weightiest form of SEO marketing because it makes the most impact on your website. If an authoritative domain were to link to your website, this will not only earn you an immediate influx of traffic, but will boost your overall rankings on SERPs as well. The problem is then, of course, figuring out how to get these authoritative domains to link to your website. The answer is quite simple: reach out to them! Many new marketers think that no one will agree to collaborate with them on this backlinking request, which eventually turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy. The surest way you’ll never get a backlink is to never inquire for one. When it comes to pitching for backlinks, we recommend the following tips:

Brevity is Key: Be concise and straightforward with your pitch. Tell the website who you are, why you’re emailing them, and how your link will add more value to their readers’ time.

Replace Broken Links: Search for niche-related websites with broken links, find out what those broken links potentially talked about, and create similar articles to replace those links. This is a win-win situation because you would gain backlinks while the authority domains will be able to replace their broken links with relevant content.

Step 4: Make Everything Mobile-Friendly

Mobile-friendliness is a must in today’s Internet browsing culture. For the first time in history, more people are searching the web through their mobile phones than they are through their desktops. This means that if you want your website to get on the first page of SERPs, it better be mobile-friendly. Search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, all prioritise mobile-friendly websites because it provides their searchers with the best user experience. The best way to do this is to use a mobile-friendly template. There are plenty of free mobile-friendly website templates that you can use. If none of them appeals to you, feel free to use one of our optimised templates when you sign up to become an Affiliate.

Once you’ve implemented all of these tips, you should be able to witness a steady incline of organic search traffic flowing into your website. The key is to always perform these tasks and brush up on your SEO regularly. Consistency is one of the toughest aspects of online marketing, but if you’re bent on garnering more traffic to your site, consistency will take you there.



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