Affiliate Tips: How to Convert Leads This Holiday Season


The Holiday season is perhaps the best time to get creative and test out your new promotional strategies. Just because a certain design or promotional strategy has worked so far doesn’t mean you can’t get creative and keep testing!

Here are a few smart ideas to try out when the holidays come rolling around:

Affiliate Tip #1: Write Holiday-Related Blog Posts

Blog posts not only attract new quality leads, it also boosts your Search Engine Optimisation efforts by providing your website with new content, more keywords, and more links. Writing about the holiday season might be one of the easiest ways to connect with the visitors in your niche.

The short-term loans niche is especially active around the holiday seasons for obvious reasons: people just don’t have enough money from one paycheck to supply for their usual needs and afford gifts by the bucketful. Writing a post on how useful and stress-relieving a short-term loan could be during the hectic holiday season could potentially help you convert a few leads. The holidays present you with the perfect opportunity to reach out, connect, and offer financial solutions.

Affiliate Tip #2: Change Up Your Headlines

For the same reason as writing holiday-related blog posts, changing up your headlines to reflect the market’s current need is definitely a smart move. Headlines are also a little weightier in the SEO category, so use this opportunity to draw in the right audiences!

Affiliate Tip #3: Add a Festive Touch to Your Design

Now, this one can be easily overdone and a bit tacky, so be careful about going overboard. The point is to be relevant, not to overwhelm. You don’t want to use this stock photo, for example:

Our suggestion? Stick to something mild but charming. It could even be cliché! As long as the message is clear but not overwhelming. Try adding a small graphic of presents or changing the colour scheme of your website to match the holiday theme. Small and innocent changes like that would be seen as thoughtful and attentive. If your holiday design optimisation is tactful and discreet, you could very well convert more leads than ever before!

Affiliate Tip #4: Host a Giveaway!

What’s a better way to help people give presents than by giving the presents yourself?! Hosting a small giveaway could help you grow your email list and get people to share your link. A little goes a long way! If you’re new to the giveaway strategy, don’t worry. It generally goes like this: Promote a gift card or product on all social platforms by asking people to sign up with their email and share your link with their online followings. When the giveaway is over, announce the winner publicly and promote your website even more.

Giveaways are old but they work almost every time. You just can’t beat a free deal! But of course, it’s not really free. The participants are paying with their email contacts and their promotion of your link. It’s a fun trade-off, but it’s worthwhile for both you and the participants.

So, with these lighthearted tips in mind, we wish you all the best with your holiday campaign! Remember: don’t be afraid to test new strategies, but a little goes a long way!

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