Lead Conversion Strategies


Converting visitors into buyers is almost an art form. It requires just as much diligence, audaciousness, and creativity as any other artistic endeavour. As an online marketer, you want to find new ways to engage the same audience. These are five time-tested strategies that help will turn your leads into clients.

Lead Conversion Strategy 1: Provide Clarity

When we say clarity, we mean clarity on all sides: layout design, image placements, titles, body content, and Call to Actions. The number one rule to content optimisation in Affiliate Marketing is to keep your directions clear. When you take a glimpse at your website, does your layout enhance the hierarchal structure of your content? Do your images guide the user’s line of sight or help create a positive environment for conversion? And perhaps most importantly, does your Call to Action stand out from the rest of the page?

These are all critical questions to ask yourself when you’re in the process of content optimisation. The more you strategically use keywords, images and colour to engage your visitors, the more they will be encouraged to sign up for your product or service.

Lead Conversion Strategy 2: Get Social Proof

Social proof, whether in the form of testimonials or referrals, helps to establish trust and assurance between the webmaster and the consumer. Through all of the modern marketing strategies that companies spend millions of dollars to perfect, the most lucrative strategy is still good ol’ word-of-mouth.

By providing social proof that your product or service is legitimately helpful, consumers will get the validation they need to make a confident purchasing decision.

Lead Conversion Strategy 3: Make it Novel

Even if your industry is quite along in years, there can always be new approaches in its presentation. Find something different or unique about what you’re doing. For example, if a service has always been booked in person but you’ve figured out a way to offer it online, your number one strength would be convenience.

Find what makes you different and emphasize on that when you pitch your service to consumers. People thrive on novelty and advancements. If you can convince them that what you have is newer, easier, and more exciting than other options, visitors will convert.

Lead Conversion Strategy 4: Educate

Blogs are somewhat of an online instruction manual. Studies say that 81% of online consumers trust information and advice from blogs. Additionally, 61% of customers made their purchase based on a blog post. These convincing percentages tell us that blogs have an astounding impact on the potential buyer. Quality blog posts that educate buyers on related topics helps establish the webmaster as a thought leader in the industry. If you produce useful content, your service will most likely be trusted.

Lead Conversion Strategy 5: Speak to Their Stories

Senior Account Lead of SEO at PMG, Jonathan Hunt, stated, “More than ever, we have to be able to find ways to fit our brands into our customers’ stories, not pull them into ours.” When we attempt to pull people into our stories, we risk making them feel unimportant (which causes us damage over time). However, when we make it all about our customers by trying to empathise with their particular dilemmas, we present ourselves as their ally rather than their competition.

You can speak to their stories by framing the narrative of your blog posts in a relevant way. For example, if you’re in the personal loans industry, one of your blog posts might centre around getting a personal loan for a wedding. You can even speak to your targeted audience with your home page images. Images of human faces can shape the emotional landscape of a website, influencing buyers’ decisions by bringing in a sense of relatability and trustworthiness.

We hope that these strategies will aid you well in your marketing endeavours. May your lead conversion rates be out of this world!



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