5 Weak Words Lead Generators Should Stop Using

Pouring out regular blog posts isn’t an easy feat to accomplish, so the fact that you’re already doing that is worthy of cheer! This article will help our lead generators improve their writing to attract more organic leads and maybe even some quality backlinks. It should be noted, however, that writing is an art that has guidelines, not rules. You can have completely valid reasons for using these words, phrases, and the infamous passive voice. The most important element is intentionality. You can break all the rules of writing—as long as it’s done intentionally and tastefully. The latter just comes with practice!
If you’re ready to improve your writing, avoid overusing these five common phrases:
Tips for Lead Generators: Stuff/Things
It’s amazingly difficult to catch yourself before typing out these words because we use them so frequently in our conversations. The right time to use ‘things’ or ‘stuff’ would be when you want to come off casual and conversational in your writing. These words should never be used as fillers when you run out of ideas. We could’ve written, “…when you run out of things to say,” but we stopped ourselves. If the idea is at the tip of your tongue but you can’t quite grasp it, leave a placeholder and come back to it later.
Here are alternative words for stuff/things: factor, aspect, cause, circumstance, component, element, means, item, instrument, ingredient, point, part, and portion.
Tips for Lead Generators: Think/Believe
If you’re writing in the first person, which many bloggers do, then it’s a given that those are your thoughts and beliefs. Stating the obvious will only weaken your writing; not to mention, these words won’t add any value to your SEO. Rather than starting an argument with, ‘I think,’ or, ‘I believe,’ just provide your insights immediately. If you omit these filler words and write confidently, your readers will trust you more.
Tips for Lead Generators: Maybe/Kind of/Sort of
Similar to ‘I think’ or ‘I believe,’ maybe/kind of/sort of tells the reader that 1) you don’t know what you’re saying, and 2) you’re not trying hard enough to find out the truth. Regardless of whether or not you know the information is true, it’s best to state the topics you do know are true and phrase the uncertain ones in a more academic manner. For example, rather than typing, “It’s kind of hard to find the right leads in Wales,” you can say, “It is hard to find…” or “It might be hard to find… but…” Kind of, sort of, and maybe are all informal phrases that have too many negative connotations for the tone you’d want to set. The next time you’re tempted to use one of these words, try to focus on what you’re certain about instead.
Tips for Lead Generators: Literally
The constant misuse of the word literally has literally made the Webster Dictionary catalogue the misused definition as an official alternative meaning. So, in definition, the word ‘literally’ can mean figuratively. Just because this is acceptable in the dictionary, unfortunately, doesn’t mean that it makes this word any less of a nuisance in literature. It’s a word that’s used to fluff up your statement. Unless it’s done with great taste or used as clarification, such as, “I literally broke a leg on stage,” it should be omitted. We would argue that most of the time, bloggers are using the word as a replacement for ‘basically’ or ‘practically,’ which are weak and informal adjectives. If you wouldn’t use these words in your content, then you shouldn’t use the word ‘literally.’
Tips for Lead Generators: Really/Very
We saved the best for last. These two adverbs/adjectives are hard to avoid completely, and it’s sometimes unnecessary to avoid them, but the excessive use of really/very dumbs down the writing and makes the author less credible. There are hundreds of powerful replacement words for really/very, so feel free to utilise them! Here are a few of our favourites: extremely, genuinely, undoubtedly, unquestionably, exceedingly, absolutely, severely, remarkably, and acutely.
If you’re new to leads generation or would like more guidance on how to blog more effectively, sign up to be a T DOT UK Affiliate today!